Tuesday, May 12, 2015

End of April/Beginning of May

Hello, welcome to my blog post for the past couple of weeks. Specifically about my home school and other adventures.

These last couple weeks I have done many things. One of which was reading the final two books of the Percy Jackson series. Now I am reading the first book in the spin off series, Heroes of Olympus. 

Also for academic reading, I read Number the Stars; a book about WWII. 
Made by me, Gabe, on iMovie

On Mother's day my mom,her friend Jeremy,his two kids, Cameron and McKenzie, my brother Sam, and myself went on a beach trip. It was lots of fun and the waves were huge! It was a delightful outing in the sunshine!

Although I'm always learning, I Did a lot of multiplication and division to show mom what I already know about math basics. I recently studied graphs now I am studying slope for beginners. Also we have done a little language arts and WWII history.

For the past week we have been in New Orleans for my Nana's surgery. She had stage 4 bladder cancer. They removed her bladder and some other organs that were affected. She's healing slowly but well. 
Mom and I also went to French Quarter and explored. We had beniets at Cafe du Monde. 

Now my Nana is fine she is recovering from a 6 hour surgery.

Those were the main things that happened during the last couple weeks hope you Like my blog post!

1 comment:

  1. Great job son
    You work looks great
    Thank you for your participation in the Lao New Years parade
    Hope to Seausoon
    Love Dad
