Friday, March 27, 2015

Week 2

Hi this is Gabe. I completed my         second week of home school . It was       even more exciting than last week.    
This week we did some cool things here they are!                                                   

The first thing we did this week was math and science. Online and on paper, we also did language arts. I took two online language arts tests online, I made a 100% and a 80% on the tests.

The next thing we did this week was read! I finished reading Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and started reading Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth it is the fourth book in the series [long story].
We also dug up the dead plants in the front yard this week. They made our house look ugly [mom did most of the digging].

The final thing we did this week was go to New Orleans to take my grandma to the doctor. It was a long trip there and back I read my book a lot along the way. 


  1. Hey sweet boy! I corrected two things. One, you had spelled exciting as "exiting," which means to leave. Two, your conclusion about our New Orleans trip said "allot." It should always be " a lot." Allot isn't a word. Other than that the sentence about testing online has the word "online" twice. Delete one and it's great. Oh, and check the spacing in the white/black paragraph at the top. You can go into your blog and see your published posts and select "edit." Love you! I'm on my way home from class. You're doing a great job! Remember to take out the trash.

  2. Hello Gabriel ,
    I'm proud of you
    Hope to seausooh !
    Love Dad .

  3. I love u
    I'm Proud ofu
    Hope 2 seausoon
